Final Evaluation – Correct Answer Key

Thank you! We do not expect you to answer all of the questions correctly. If you answered about 8 out of 10 correctly then you should be very happy with your results. If you are not satisfied with your results we encourage you to repeat the lessons that you were weakest in. For your convenience the questions below are divided into sections according to the lessons they were taken from.

Correct answers are indicated by an asterisk (*).

Lesson 1

1. What is an herb?

A. A seed producing plant that does not develop persistent woody tissue but dies down at the end of the growing season.
B. A plant or plant part valued for its medicinal, savory, or aromatic qualities. 
*C. Both of the above are correct.

2. What is the difference between a drug and an herb?

A. Herbs are derived from plants, drugs are not.
B. Drugs are prescribed by physicians, herbs are not.
*C. An herb is a plant part in its entirety, while a drug is a synthesized copy of one chemical component, such as a component found in an herb.

3. The action of two or more substances such that the total effect is greater than the sum of the individual effects is referred to as . . .

A. herbalism
B. holism
*C. synergism
D. agnosticism

4. True or False: Due to the fact that we spend more money per person on health care in the United States than in any other country, we experience better health than any other industrialized nation.


Lesson 2

5. This plant, used by the Chinese for at least 5,000 years, is the herb from which Western scientists have derived the modern drug ephedrine:

A. echinacea
*B. ma huang
C. ginseng
D. melaleuca

6. The ancient Indian (East) system of herbal medicine is known as . . .

*A. Ayurveda
B. Materia medica
C. Hatha yoga
D. Hinduism

7.This Greek physician and herbalists, often referred to as the “Father of Modern Medicine,” is credited with having written, “Let your Foods be your medicines, and your medicines your food.”

A. Euripides
B. Pythagoras
C. Galen
*D. Hippocrates

8.From the Australian Aborigines we discovered this herb, which was used by British soldiers during World War II as an antiseptic for wounds:

A. ma huang or ephedra
B. uña de gato or cat’s claw
*C. tea tree oil or melaleuca
D. kangaroo claw

Lesson 3

9. The suffix -itis, as in arthritis and neuritis means . . .

A. joint
*B. inflammation
C. infection
D. nerve

10. The word doctor comes from the Latin and means . . .

*A. teacher
B. therapist
C. healer

11. Which of the following means inflammation of the urinary bladder?

A. appendicitis
B. colitis
*C. cystitis
D. cholangitis
E. cholecystitis

12. What does hyperthyroidism mean?

A. an underactive thyroid gland
*B. an overactive thyroid gland
C. neither of the above

13. Where does the herb pygeum (Prunus africana) come from?

A. Australia
*B. Africa
C. North America
D. Asia

14. An agent that increases sexual drive is known as a(n) . . .

A. annual
*B. aphrodisiac
C. sativum
D. vermifuge

Lesson 4

15. What is the most fundamental tenet of natural health philosophy?

*A. The body has the ability to heal itself.
B. Germs are the cause of disease.
C. Heredity is more important than environment.

16. According to Natural Health Philosophy . . .

A. Prevention is considered better than a cure.
B. The innate healing power of the human body is recognized and supported.
C. Doctors are expected to teach.
D. People should have a greater role in the decisions that affect their health.
*E. all of the above

17. The body attempts to maintain a state of equilibrium in its internal environment. This is referred to as . . .

A. holism
B. herbalism
C. homeopathy
*D. homeostasis

18. True or False: Many of the great plagues that have befallen humankind in the past have been the result of unclean living conditions.


Lesson 6

19. The digestion of proteins, which occurs primarily in the stomach, requires a very acid environment, provided in the stomach by ____________.

A. bile
B. saliva
C. pancreatic juices
*D. HCL (hydrochloric acid)

20. The substance secreted by the liver and stored in the gall bladder and released into the small intestines for the emulsification of fats is __________.

*A. bile
B. saliva
C. pancreatic juice
D. HCL (hydrochloric acid)

21. Which of the following enzymes help break down fats (lipids)?

A. protease
*B. lipase
C. cellulase
D. amylase

22. The beneficial bacteria that are found in the body and that are essential to good health are known as __________.

A. fiber
*B. flora
C. fauna
D. febrile

23. Medical science has discovered that many stomach problems, including ulcers, are associated with a bacteria called __________.

*A. Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori
B. Escherichia coli (E. coli)
C. Streptococcus
D. Staphylococcus
E. Lactobacillus acidophilus

Lesson 7

24, During digestion, food material passes from the small intestine to the large intestine (colon) via the . . .

*A. ileocecal valve
B. cardiac sphincter
C. pyloric sphincter
D. appendix
E. none of the above

25. ____________ , also known as Piles, are dilated veins in the anus and rectum caused primarily by insufficient dietary fiber and straining.

*A. hemorrhoids
B. colitis
C. diverticulosis
D. halitosis

26. True or False: Most of the problems that can occur with the colon are at least in part due to insufficient dietary fiber.


27. True or False: The three most common causes of death in the United States are heart disease, cancer, and adult-onset diabetes (in that order). Medical research has confirmed that insufficient dietary fiber is a major cause of all three diseases!


Lesson 8

28. The lymphatic system serves . . .

A. to collect and recycle fluid that has leaked out of the capillaries.
B. to phagocytize, or ingest, bacteria, old red blood cells, etc.
C. to phagocytize, or ingest, impurities such as toxins and cellular waste.
D. as an important part of the immune system.
*E. all of the above

29. The blood cells responsible for the transport of oxygen and carbon dioxide are the . . .

A. platelets
B. lymphocytes
C. white blood cells
*D. red blood cells 
E. all of the above

30. Pernicious anemia results when the person’s stomach fails to produce intrinsic factor, which is necessary for the normal absorption of vitamin . . .

A. B-1
B. B-6
*C. B-12
D. C

31. The single major cause of artery disease is ___________, the thickening and hardening of arterial walls by deposits of fatty materials.

A. obesity
B. phlebitis
C. aneurysm
*D. arteriosclerosis

32. This herb has been shown to be effective in helping normalize high blood pressure. It has also proven useful as a “blood thinner,” since it inhibits blood clotting; and has been shown to help lower cholesterol levels for those who have high serum cholesterol.

A. hawthorn
*B. garlic
C. coenzyme Q-10
D. selenium
E. ginkgo

33. This herb is widely used by herbalists around the world for cardiac problems, particularly to strengthen a weakened heart. Scientists have discovered that it also dilates blood vessels allowing blood to flow more freely and thereby lowers the blood pressure. It also acts directly on the heart muscle to help heal damaged heart tissue.

*A. hawthorn
B. garlic
C. coenzyme Q-10
D. selenium
E. ginkgo

34. This “vitamin-like” enzyme and strong antioxidant is necessary for the cells to produce energy. Studies have shown that most heart patients are deficient in this enzyme and that supplementation can sometimes dramatically relieve heart disease symptoms. Remarkable results have been noted particularly in patients with congestive heart failure.

A. hawthorn
B. garlic
*C. coenzyme Q-10
D. selenium
E. ginkgo

35. This trace mineral is synergistic with Vitamin E and has been shown to help protect against coronary artery disease, cerebrovascular disease, and peripheral vascular disease. Animals who have had their diets supplemented with this mineral have been found to live 50% longer.

A. hawthorn
B. garlic
C. coenzyme Q-10
*D. selenium
E. ginkgo

Lesson 9

36. Which division of the autonomic nervous system is called upon to stimulate and prepare the body for emergency action, such as in the “fight or flight” response?

*A. sympathetic
B. parasympathetic
C. central
D. peripheral
E. none of the above

37. Substances such as serotonin and GABA, which are produced in the nerve cell and released across the synapse to transmit a signal to a neighboring nerve cell, are referred to as __________.

*A. neurotransmitters 
B. ions
C. drugs
D. amino acids

38. The neurotransmitter that is usually found to be low in cases depression is ________.

A. acetylcholine
*B. serotonin 
C. dopamine

39. The neurotransmitter that is also an amino acid and which is involved in slowing down nerve activity, thus having a calming effect on the mind, is ___________.

A. acetylcholine
B. serotonin
C. dopamine

40. The hormone that is secreted by the pineal gland to induce sleep is __________.

A. acetylcholine
B. serotonin
C. dopamine
*D. melatonin

41. This herb is widely used for depression. Among its active ingredients are hypericin and hyperforin, although its total benefits are the result of a synergistic interaction of all its naturally-occuring indredients.

A. hops
B. kava kava
*C. St. John’s wort
D. valerian
E. ginkgo

42. This herb comes from the rhizome of the pepper plant, Piper methysticum, which is found in Polynesia, Melanesia, and Micronesia. It is widely used for a nervous system relaxant for stress.

A. hops
*B. kava kava
C. St. John’s wort
D. valerian
E. ginkgo

43. The name of this herb comes from a Latin word which means “to be in good health.” It has been used for centuries as a natural tranquilizer and to promote good sleep.

A. hops
B. kava kava
C. St. John’s wort
*D. valerian
E. ginkgo

44. Although it is perhaps best known for its use in beer brewing, this herb is valuable in the world of nutritional herbology for its sedative effect and for its ability to help induce sleep. It is one of the three ingredients in the popular sleep combination known as HVP.

*A. hops
B. kava kava
C. St. John’s wort
D. valerian
E. ginkgo

45. Scientists have discovered that this herb contains natural chemicals called parthenolides, which are responsible for most of the herb’s benefits. It is best known for its ability to help migraine sufferers.

A. kudzu
B. chamomile
C. passion flower
*D. feverfew

46. Which of the following herbs is a popular late night herbal tea sold around the world in grocery stores and health-food stores. It contains the amino acid tryptophan which helps boost serotonin levels in the brain which is helpful for sleep and mood.

A. kudzu
*B. chamomile
C. passion flower
D. feverfew

47. What herb was referred to in the book Miracle Cures as “herbal Antabuse.” (Antabuse is a prescription drug often given to alcoholics to keep them from drinking.) The herb does not cause a potential for nausea and vomiting, like Antabuse, but it is helpful in curbing the craving for alcohol. Used in combination with St. John’s Wort for mood, this is part of a powerful combination to nutritionally aid alcoholics who are desiring to quit.

*A. kudzu
B. chamomile
C. passion flower
D. feverfew

Lesson 10

48. What is our best defense against cancer?

A. the American Cancer Society
*B. a strong immune system
C. antibiotic drugs
D. magnets

49. Which of the following is part of the body’s natural defenses against foreign invaders?

A. the skin
B. mucus in lungs and nasal passages
C. acids and enzymes in the digestive tract
D. the immune system
*E. all of the above

50. True or False: The lymph moves through the body by way of one-way valves, aided by the compression of lymph vessels when the muscles of the body contract.


51. One function of the immune system is to recognize and eliminate cancer cells that arise within the body. This process is known as

A. autoimmune
*B. immune surveillance
C. cell-mediated immunity
D. humoral immunity

52. This herb from the Peruvian rain forest received its name because it has thorns that resemble the claws of a cat:

A. grapine
B. echinacea
C. catnip
*D. uña de gato

Lesson 11

53. The symptoms of allergies are brought about when the body releases certain chemicals, including __________, as a response to being exposed to an allergen.

A. hormones
B. neurotransmitters
C. adrenaline
*D. histamine

54. Asthma can be triggered by . . .

A. allergies
B. infection
C. emotional factors
*D. all of the above 
E. none of the above

55. True or False: Other than the obvious food allergies, diet has little to do with Asthma.


56. The yeast-like fungus that often goes undiagnosed and which is often involved in chronic respiratory problems is . . .

A. Cryptococcus
B. Aspergillus
C. Escherichia coli
*D. Candida albicans

57. Proanthocyanidins (previously known by the trade name pycnogenols) are powerful antioxidants that come primarily from . . .

A. grapefruit
B. grape seeds
C. white willow bark
D. pine bark
*E. B and D 
F. A and C

58. Respiratory conditions in which there is a deficiency of mucus, or the mucus is thick and yellowish, are said to be _________ conditions.

A. damp
*B. dry
C. hot
D. cold

59. Respiratory conditions in which there is an excess of mucus are said to be ________ conditions.

*A. damp 
B. dry
C. hot
D. cold

60. This bitter herb, also known as “Indian Tobacco,” is native to North America, has antispasmodic and expectorant actions and is excellent for clearing the lungs. A few drops of an extract made from this herb, held under the tongue, along with a couple of drops rubbed onto the chest or upper back, can often stop an asthma attack very quickly.

*A. lobelia
B. mullein
C. thyme
D. uña de gato

61. For respiratory problems, essential oils are used in the following way:

A. diffusion
B. massage
C. in the bath
D. inhalation
*E. all of the above

62. Known to the lay person mostly for its “fat burning” ability, this Chinese herb, also known as Ma huang, is a powerful natural antihistamine and bronchial dilator.

A. mullein
B. fenugreek
C. ginseng
*D. ephedra

63. Otitis media, or a middle ear infection, can result when this becomes blocked due to excess mucus, excessively thick mucus, and/or swelling of the membranes.

A. sinuses
*B. eustachian tube
C. pharynx
D. bronchi

Lesson 12

64. The pineal, pituitary, thyroid and adrenal glands are examples of what type of glands?

A. exocrine glands
*B. endocrine glands
C. lacrimal glands

65. A chemical messenger secreted by an endocrine gland into the bloodstream is referred to as a(n):

A. adaptogen
B. antioxidant
*C. hormone

66. The pineal gland helps put us to sleep by secreting . . .

A. insulin
B. thyroxin
C. adrenaline
*D. melatonin
E. TSH (Thyroid Stimulating Hormone)

67. Particularly important for the thyroid gland is the trace mineral found in kelp known as . . .

A. iron
*B. iodine
C. vanadium
D. manganese
E. magnesium

68. Which of the following herbs is best known as an adaptogen?

A. dong quai
B. saw palmetto
C. red raspberry
*D. Eleuthero (Siberian ginseng)

69. Which of the following herbs has traditionally been used by pregnant women to facilitate delivery, prevent miscarriage, and alleviate morning sickness?

A. dong quai
B. saw palmetto
*C. red raspberry
D. Eleuthero (Siberian ginseng)

70. Which of the following minerals is helpful in eliminating cravings and is the most important for helping the pancreas control blood sugar levels?

A. iodine
*B. chromium
C. calcium
D. magnesium

Lesson 13

71. The most common organism found in urinary tract infections (UTI’s) is . . .

*A. Escherichia coli (E. coli)
B. Streptococcus
C. Staphylococcus
D. Acidophilus

72. The most common reason that the elderly are put in nursing homes is . . .

A. senile dementia.
B. urinary tract infections.
*C. urinary incontinence. 
D. Alzheimer’s disease.


73. Hydrangea root (Hydrangea arborescens) is a bitter herb that is antilithic, which means that it . . .

*A. dissolves urinary stones.
B. cures urinary tract infections.
C. helps incontinence.
D. promotes the flow of urine.

74. A diuretic is a substance that . . .

A. dissolves urinary stones.
B. cures urinary tract infections.
C. helps incontinence.
*D. promotes the flow of urine.

75. The __________ gland is a walnut-sized gland that surrounds the neck of the bladder and the urethra in males only.

*A. prostate
B. thymus
C. pineal
D. testes

76. Which of the following herbs has traditionally been used by men for prostate problems?

A. ginger
*B. saw palmetto
C. red raspberry
D. Eleuthero (Siberian ginseng)

Lesson 14

77. Excessive movement which could dislocate a joint is prevented by strong elastic connective tissues, known as ligaments, which cross the joint. If a joint is forcefully extended beyond its normal range of motion, ligaments can tear resulting in a ________.

*A. sprain
B. strain
C. fracture
D. bursitis

78. What is the most common form of arthritis?

*A. osteoarthritis 
B. gout
C. osteoporosis
D. rheumatoid arthritis

79. Which of the following nutrients is found in certain foods such as apples and may be helpful for muscle conditions such as fibromyalgia?

A. ascorbic acid
B. creatine
C. citric acid
*D. malic acid

80. Known as the “Father of All Herbs,” this herb has a long history of traditional use for joint problems, particularly arthritis. It is highly nutritious, sending its roots deep into the soil where the best trace mineral deposits are found.

A. yucca
*B. alfalfa
C. ginger
D. uña de gato

81. This fibrous protein, which makes up skin, bone, tendons, and cartilage, is the most abundant protein in the body.

*A. collagen
B. keratin
C. glutamine
D. actin

82. Also known as fibromyositis and myofascial pain syndrome, this term refers to a chronic condition of unknown cause resulting in pain in the fibrous tissues, muscles, ligaments and tendons. The condition occurs mainly in women and is often associated with depression, sleeping problems, irritable bowel syndrome and chronic fatigue. In fact, most experts consider chronic fatigue syndrome to be the same condition.

*A. fibromyalgia
B. osteoarthritis
C. gout
D. osteoporosis

Lesson 19

83. Homeopathy traces its roots to the 19th century German physician . . .

*A. Samuel Hahnemann
B. Jonas Salk
C. Arthur Hassall
D. Edwin Harrison

84. A placebo works because . . .

*A. the subject believes that it works.
B. it is all-natural.
C. it is powerful medicine.
D. it is just what the patient needs.

85. True or False: Homeopathic formulations should not be taken along with herbs.


86. A “3X” on the bottle of a homeopathic preparation indicates . . .

A. that the product should be taken three times a day.
B. that the product should be taken three times a week.
*C. that the ingredient has been diluted and potentiated 3 times.
D. that the product should not be given to children.

Lesson 17

87. The Ayurvedic system of herbalism traces its roots back five thousand years to . . .

A. the Kunlun Mountains of Tibet
*B. the Himalayan Mountains of India
C. the Gobi region of China
D. the Nile valley of Egypt

88. Which of the following statements does not characterize Ayurvedic philosophy?

A. Illnesses of the mind are just as important as illnesses of the body.
B. In order to avoid illness and pain, one must control the destructive (and self-destructive) nature.
C. Living in harmony with the environment is essential to one’s mental, physical, and spiritual well-being.
D. Prevention is more desirable than a cure.
*E. Treatment should focus on the symptom, rather than the underlying cause.

89. The ideal of Ayurvedic medicine is to develop an individual’s natural resistance to disease to the point where one’s _______ system can function as one’s best medicine.

A. cardiovascular
*B. immune
C. nervous
D. intestinal
E. respiratory

90. Herbalists who draw upon various traditions (e.g., Chinese, Ayurvedic, etc.)—choosing what appears to be the best for any given situation—are referred to as . . .

*A. eclectic 
B. mixers
C. confused
D. synergistic
E. holistic

91. Beneficial bacteria living inside the human body that are essential to our health because they prevent the growth of harmful organisms such as yeast and fungi are known as . . .

*A. flora
B. fauna
C. phytonutrients
D. enzymes

92. In the “A, B, C plus D” approach to natural health the “A” stands for . . .

*A. activate
B. alleviate
C. an Apple a Day
D. Advil

93. In the “A, B, C plus D” approach to natural health the “B” stands for . . .

A. break
*B. build
C. body
D. bonus

94. In the “A, B, C plus D” approach to natural health the “C” stands for . . .

A. contaminate
B. chastise
*C. cleanse
D. colon

95. In the “A, B, C plus D” approach to natural health the “D” stands for . . .

A. drive
B. delineate
C. direct deposit
*D. direct aid

