Lesson 11: The Respiratory System (page 14 of 19)

The yeast-like fungus that often goes undiagnosed and which is often involved in chronic respiratory problems is Candida albicans.



When dealing with constricted airways, it is helpful to determine if there is a history of anxiety or stress, or if there is a history of respiratory allergies or hay fever:

Constricted Airways with a History of Anxiety or Stress

When there is bronchial constriction with wheezing, deep, gasping cough and a history of anxiety or stress, the two direct aid products to consider are Lobelia Essence and Fenugreek & Thyme.

Fenugreek & Thyme contains two important herbs which have the combined effect of opening sinus and lung congestion and stimulating the gentle removal of mucus while calming the nerves. Fenugreek herb contains mucilaginous compounds, which are gel-like substances known for their ability to soothe inflamed tissues. It is also an excellent herbal source of selenium, an antioxidant that helps the body utilize oxygen. Thyme is also known to support respiratory health, especially brochial and throat ailments.

Lobelia Essence is a liquid herbal extract of Lobelia inflata, a bitter herb native to North America, also known as “Indian Tobacco.” Lobelia has antispasmodic and expectorant actions and is excellent for clearing the lungs. A few drops of Lobelia Essence held under the tongue, along with a couple of drops rubbed into the chest or upper back, can often stop an asthma attack very quickly.

Constricted Airways with a History of Respiratory Allergies or Hay Fever

This usually involves a history of an itchy nose and ears, red and irritated eyes, and perhaps frequent ear infections. The supplements to consider are High Potency GrapineALJ and HistaBlock.

High Potency Grapine contains phytonutrients known as proanthocyanidins (formerly known as pycnogenols), some of the most powerful antioxidants known. Discovered by French scientist, Jacques Masquelier, they have been available and widely used in Europe, Argentina, Australia, and New Zealand since 1969. Proanthocyanidins come from two sources—grape seeds and pine bark. They have been proven to be completely safe and to have antioxidant activity that is 20 times more powerful than vitamin C and 50 times more powerful than vitamin E. “Grapine” contains both grape seed and pine bark proanthocyanidins, with a greater amount of grape seed. Proanthocyanidins neutralize free radicals that can cause allergies and hayfever. They enhance immune response decreasing the severity and frequency of colds.

Each tablet of High Potency Grapine contains 60 mg of proanthocyanidins, the standard amount for “maintenance.” For those times when more proanthocyanidins are desired, such as when respiratory symptoms are present, I recommend at least 1 mg of proanthocyanidins per pound of body weight (120-300 mgs per day). For example, if you weigh 180 pounds, you should take at least three High Potency Grapine tablets per day when you are experiencing allergy or respiratory symptoms. Take in divided dosages throughout the day; e.g., one with each meal.

ALJkey product for the respiratory system, is an herbal combination containing Boneset herb, Mullein leaves, Fenugreek seeds, Fennel seeds, and Horseradish root. Each of these herbs has traditionally been used alone for respiratory problems. ALJ combines them in a very effective balanced formula. ALJ helps break up congestion in both the sinuses and lungs. It is available in capsules, tablets and as a liquid herbal extract. The liquid is great for adults and children. For faster relief hold the liquid under the tongue for a minute before swallowing.

Proanthocyanidins (previously known by the trade name pycnogenols) are powerful antioxidants that come primarily from . . .


 A. grapefruit
 B. grape seeds
 C. white willow bark
 D. pine bark
 E. B and D
 F. A and C

(Select the best answer and click on the “Continue” button.)