True, for individuals with ADD or ADHA, a breakfast with sufficient protein is usually very helpful along with a reduction in consumption of simple sugars, including natural fruit juices, and refined carbohydrates.
Nutritional Support for Alcoholics and Addicts
The detoxification program outlined below is designed to supply the alcoholic or addict with the nutrients needed for detoxification and tissue repair to hasten recover and decrease the chance of relapse. This is NOT a substitute for group therapy, like Alcoholics Anonymous, or psychological counseling, which is an essential part of any treatment regimen for alcoholism or drug dependence.
Supplements Which Are Highly Recommended:
- L-Glutamine – an amino acid (protein building block) that has proven to be a tremendous aid in eliminating the cravings for alcohol and drugs.
- Super Supplemental Vitamins & Minerals – a multi-vitamin/multi-mineral supplement that supplies high dosages of the B-Complex vitamins and provides other vitamins and minerals essential for repair of the body, particularly the nervous system.
- Nature’s Harvest, a nutrition-packed powdered protein drink mix.
- Omega-3 Hi EPA – supplies precursors for neurotransmitters for the brain that are essential for proper mental function helping to eliminate and prevent depression and other mental problems and cravings. (See Page 11 of this lesson.)
Supplements Which Are Also Recommended:
- Milk Thistle Combination – (Essential if liver damage is present.) Helps the liver rebuild and repair itself and helps it in its job of detoxification.
- Black Current Oil – supplies precursors for neurotransmitters for the brain that are essential for proper mental function helping to eliminate and prevent depression and other mental problems and cravings.
- Niacin (250 mg) – important for repair of the nerves and for proper function of the nervous system.
- Kudzu/St. John’s Wort – aids the liver and helps reduce cravings for alcohol and drugs.
Other Supplements to Consider:
- Psyllium Hulls Combination – cleans and soothes the intestinal tract and helps detoxify the colon aiding the liver and blood.
- Bifidophilus Flora Force or Probiotic Eleven – helps restore a normal environment to the digestive tract by replacing the beneficial bacteria.
- Mineral Chi Tonic (Ionic trace mineral supplement) – supplies over 60 trace minerals. Trace minerals are necessary for proper repair and function of the body and nervous system.
- HS II – (for those with weak or damaged hearts) – helps strengthen the heart and helps the heart recover from the damage caused by alcohol and other drugs. (Two capsules of HS II with three meals each day.)
It is important for a recovering alcoholic or drug addict to eat properly and to get vigorous exercise to help the circulation and revive the heart and muscles. A diet that contains sufficient protein and low amounts of simple carbohydrates and sugars is critical. (See Dietary Guidelines.) Walking or bicycling are excellent exercises. Start slowly, especially if there are heart problems, but try to work up to a 45 minute to one hour walk at least three times a week. If shortness of breath occurs they are going too fast. They should be able to maintain a conversation while walking.
Once the alcohol or drug addiction is under control, the addict should work toward the eventual elimination of ALL drugs including nicotine, since these will lead to further cravings for alcohol and/or drugs. When smokers are ready to quit they can use the products mentioned in an earlier section of this lesson to help. Hypnosis has also been found to be helpful for many who want to quit smoking.
True or False:
For the alcoholic or addict, nutritional supplementation is an effective replacement for “talk” or “group” therapy, like Alcoholics Anonymous.
(Select the best answer and click on the “Continue” button.)