Lesson 3: Terminology Part 2 (page 3 of 5)

From its botanical name Prunus africana we can tell that the herb pygeum comes from Africa.

Occasionally the botanical name is nothing more than the Latin version of the common name. The botanical name for white oak, for example, is Quercus alba, which literally means “white oak.” (The Latin alba means “white” and is related to our word “albino.”)

For a few herbs, the botanical name reflects one of the traditional uses for the herb. For example, Safflowers have been used since antiquity to make a yellow dye. This is indicated by its botanical name, Carthamus tinctorius. “Tinctorius,” which is related to our word “tincture,” means “used for dyes.” Likewise for cascara sagrada or sacred bark (Rhamnus purshiana). “Purshiana” means “a purgative.” The name for valerian (Valeriana officinalis) comes from the Latin valere, which means “to be in good health.” Interesting things about an herb are sometimes revealed by its botanical name.

Guess which of the following herbs is noted for its ability to increase sex drive?

 Turnera aphrodisiaca (damiana)
 Hypericum perforatum (St. John’s wort)
 Rubus idaeus (red raspberries)
 Petroselinum sativum (parsley)