Lesson 14: The Structural System (page 16 of 16)

Dentists have used an essential oil in their practices for years, by employing the oil of cloves to numb the gums prior to administering a shot.



This has been one of the longest lessons in this course, an indication of the importance the Structural System holds for our health. It is the system most visible to others; i.e., hair, skin, nails, form and posture. It is one of the systems most involved in the aging process; e.g., osteoarthritis and osteoporosis—two conditions occurring at epidemic proportions in our modern world. To top it off, many of us are overweight adding additional stress and “wear and tear” to the structural system. The good news is, there are many things we can do to help protect ourselves from the problems and deterioration that so commonly involve this important body system. There is probably no other system that is affected more by our lifestyle and diet, and today we have many choices when it comes to nutritionally supporting the system that supports us.


Word Review List:

Below is a list of some of the words that were discussed to this lesson. If you are unclear as to the meaning of any, click on the word to review its definition:

If you have four or more of the following indications, you may consider nutritional aid to the structural system:

 Skin/complexion problems
 Menopausal concerns
 Hair loss
 Sore or painful joints
 Difficulty in maintaining ideal weight
 Low endurance/stamina
 Weak bones, teeth or cartilage
 Don’t exercise regularly
 Muscle cramps or spasms
 Caffeinated beverage (16 oz.) daily
 Brittle or easily broken fingernails
 Feeling out of control


Lifestyle Suggestions:


  • Eat regular, healthy, balanced meals
  • Avoid sodas, especially colas, and caffeinated beverages
  • Take a quality bone supplement such as Skeletal Strength
  • Engage in weight bearing exercises such as walking regularly
  • Do breathing exercises and/or Yoga or Tai Chi
  • Chew fibrous fruits and vegetables for strong teeth
  • Oral hygiene such as flossing and regular visits to your dentist
  • See your chiropractor regularly for maintenance adjustments

The key products for the structural system are Skeletal StrengthTarget Endurance and HSN-W.


Click here for the Structural System Product Flow Chart

Notes on the Structural System Flow Chart: Under Glucosamine and Chondroitin add EverFlex tablets.


Structural System Products

These product links and those throughout the lesson are for U.S. orders only. 

Fluoride-Free Toothpastes: Xylibrite Toothpaste Sunshine Brite Toothpaste

Information and statements regarding dietary supplements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.


Read the following article:

  1. Click here to take the Self-Evaluation for Lesson 14.

    Information and statements regarding dietary supplements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease